Esfahan Gitipsndfutsalcoachsaid:Gitipsnd players think to win and try to by increasing their quality, fulfill the claim.

According to club news center, Reza Lak after his team's victory against Qharchak Mansouri told reporters in the media on this game: It was a very tough game because Mansouri is one of the good teams in the league against Hafari and Frshara are obtained excellent results. He continue: our players to this reason that we havent recent weeksProblems, In the first half did not have the quality but the second half we changed and manage the game and were able to take up the position, and then we were a lot of goals.

He continue: I think our players were tired in this game but they try and i happy that we could win the race to occupy.

He stated: We try that in rest of league have better situation and hope with effort and responsibility of players, we occupy the championship.